Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Significant in 3.

Upon his second visit to the vet, we found that Bruce now weights 20 Ibs. 
I feel this photo shows a significant difference in the one posted just 3 weeks ago. 


Hilary said...

He is, nonetheless, just as cute as he was in the first photo! Bad thing about labs - they go SO fast. But don't worry, the quit after a while.. :)

Sarah said...

His cuteness kind of cancels out the, "Hey, I'll be as big as you in a few more months" thing.

I had a lab as a kid, too. Hope you aren't losing as many shoes to Bruce as I did to Gnarls.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, Shannon. He is HUGE comepared to when I saw him just LAST STINKIN WEEK. He is now officially larger than Ellie was when I got her. Still absolutely adorable tho, the little devil. LOL