Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wow. I can't NOT look at it!

You know those moments when the worst happens, with like a shock factor of like 3495987? The ones where you feel embarrassed for someone, but nothing can be done, and you can not take your eyes off it? Ok, here we go...

This morning, while taking Morgan to school, I overheard Murphy, Sam, and Jody doing their regular morning talk show on WBBQ. This morning they began talking about The Bachelor. I picked up on a few tid bits here and there... he went back on his word... something something... and then I come home to the same topic on Good Morning America! This single dad from Seattle, Washington has apparently proposed to one girl, then turned around and said, "Wait, I made a mistake!" ??? This poor Melissa has had her share of humiliation for a LIFETIME. As if The Bachelor didn't seem a little crazy on its own (and I should be careful of judging it since I've never watched over 5 minutes of it), it just got crazier. 

I'm not here to say that the show is awful. I have always heard that if you watch 2 episodes of a soap opera, you'll be hooked. I always thought they seemed over dramatic and overrated. I always thought The Bachelor seemed super scripted and dramatic as well. (You don't gamble for love like that...) But apparently ABC knows what they're doing, because they're viewers have increased by 3 mil. 

Hmmm... dare I watch one to see what this mumbo jumbo is all about?

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Oh you have GOT to youtube, google, or search abc.com for "The Bachelor: After the final rose" and watch it - its the epitomy of awkward. It's when he tells Melissa he no longer loves her. I didn't watch this season and happened to catch that and was BLOWN away!