Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why Yes I Do Randomly Burst Into Song, Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Beautiful Time of Year!

Each morning this week I've woken to a calm, beautiful, sunny, perfect temperature day. I simply could not ask for any better. This is the BEST time of year. Something about it makes me as giddy as a schoolgirl. I walk outside and my mind shouts with "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feeling, every thing's going my way!" and for this moment in time, my life is a musical. (Did I just admit this out loud???) Musicals aren't my choice of pleasure watching with the exception of a select few. There's no where else I'd rather be than outside on days like these, or out and about with the best spring time music selection. I can even get MORE specific. My favorite time of the year, is around 6-7 pm on these beautiful days, because the day is still alive, and there's more time to enjoy after a full-day's work. Oh I pray it lasts like this for a while!

P.S. Bruce loves this weather as well. He's gotten to where he doesn't ask to go back inside after taking a break, but rather runs from me, and enjoys every second of my aimless chase. 

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