Sunday, March 29, 2009

Too Smart For His Own Good.

Before I begin my blog, has anyone noticed that rather than being random, it has become mostly about Bruce? Well, like the last several posts, this one too, is about Bruce. 

Just 2 weeks ago, we bought Bruce a bigger kennel. One that would (or should have) lasted him a lifetime. Today, he proved us wrong. 

I came in from church and noticed that it was awfully quiet in my bathroom, where Bruce was left in his kennel. A few minutes later, I heard the sound of his water bowl rattling. I knew this wouldn't be good. I opened the door to find him with the cutest dear in the headlights expression. He had immediately stopped chewing on his 5th role of toilet paper as he sat in the pile of the diminished previous 4. My lamp was now off of my vanity, in front of him, broken into. He had found some underclothes and scattered them on the floor as well. To his left lay his kennel, with a Bruce sized whole in the mesh siding. 


Tonight, I regretfully say, he is sleeping in his pen outside. 

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Copy Cat, Copy Cat.

Yes, I know that myspace and facebook are in competition with one another.
However, I don't think that myspace upgrading to every feature facebook offers makes it any better. Why not come up with some clever feature that facebook does not offer? That would make people choose it over facebook. 

And one step further... why does facebook copy twitter's status update format?

UGH. I like twitter better than either of them really. 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thought for the Day

I arrived at 6 am to babysit Maura this morning so Mrs. Sheri could go to Augusta for a minor surgery. I walked in and Maura had been awake since 5! So, in failure to convince her to go back to sleep with me, she convinced me to watch Aladdin. That was one of my favorites as a child. I started thinking about Jasmine, and how cool she is...
-She had a pet tiger. I'm an animal lover, yes, but what child didn't want some cool exotic pet?
-She was royalty. A Princess SHOULD be royalty.
Note: I am not saying she is the best, because picking favorites for me is nearly impossible, ESP with Disney. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

For Your Dog.

Sandy, a family friend of ours, gave me a present for Bruce tonight. I thought it was quite clever. 
You know how we eat animal crackers?
Well she gave me People Crackers. They're treats for dogs, but they're in the shapes of mailmen and police officers. How cute is that?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

As It Happens.

So, I'm watching idol. I'm typing this as things happen to fully share my thoughts.

Ryan! Stop hinting that Adam could be in the bottom! Please, no. This week wasn't his best, but he def needs to stay in the competition! 

Awe, Michael made me tear up telling about his little girl (3yrs old) asking him why he didn't want to be around her anymore... so sad! 

Allison, I don't think she should've been in the bottom 3. I can def think of a few others that should have instead.

Brad Paisley... Never stop writing love songs... I LOVED "Then." 

Uh oh... getting closer to Adam, and there's still another seat in the bottom...

I mean, last night wasn't my favorite of his performances, but I still liked it in a weird way... could've handled the question about going to Nashville someday with a little less confidence, lol.

Alexis... you should be in the bottom 3...

and who is???


WHOOO... Alexis. I'm okay with that... based on last night...

Now which one is going home? My thoughts? Maybe Michael.

Btw, Michael made me tear up telling the story ab
out how his 3 yr old little girl asked him why she didn't want to be around her anymore... so sad.

Allison is SAFE! 

After the break, Carrie's going to sing! (She's one of
 my favs.) I saw her in concert once, and she was amazing (I hate to use a cliche word there, but she was!) It was the Keith Urban Love, Pain, and the Whole Crazy World Tour, which is on DVD. Madison and I are in that DVD, and in the "You Look Good In My Shirt" video. =) I'll include a photo or two from the concert at the bottom of this post.


Gosh, I love Carrie. She's one of the prettiest people I've ever seen.

Judges save is an option already??? NO!!! Gosh, I sure hope they don't! 


Lights are dimming...

Ok, Alexis... go home... judges save your SAVE for Danny or Adam!

Ok, she's not doing well... YES! 

But what are the judges saying???

They aren't going to save her. GOOD DECISION SIMON!!!!

I highly dislike the presidential speeches happening on nights that my TV shows come on. No American Idol this coming week. Can you tell how much I love idol??? This week, I didn't get Heroes, and still do not understand why.
Great show.

Enjoy these photos =)

Significant in 3.

Upon his second visit to the vet, we found that Bruce now weights 20 Ibs. 
I feel this photo shows a significant difference in the one posted just 3 weeks ago. 

Sunday, March 15, 2009

3 Months In.

It's 3 months into the year, so I decided to check on myself. How am I doing on my resolutions? Fairly well. Probably the best I've ever done with New Year's Resolutions. I think out of a list of 10 things, I may have failed at 2, but the year isn't over. 
My trick? Normally that ridiculous list disappears into the trash can, never to be seen or thought of again. This time, I wrote my list in the back of my "Book-o-Nothing." This book stays near by at all times, and thus serves as a reminder to keep my word. Everyone says that no one EVER keeps to their resolutions, but I'm going to prove them wrong. I always enjoy a challenge.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why Yes I Do Randomly Burst Into Song, Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Beautiful Time of Year!

Each morning this week I've woken to a calm, beautiful, sunny, perfect temperature day. I simply could not ask for any better. This is the BEST time of year. Something about it makes me as giddy as a schoolgirl. I walk outside and my mind shouts with "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feeling, every thing's going my way!" and for this moment in time, my life is a musical. (Did I just admit this out loud???) Musicals aren't my choice of pleasure watching with the exception of a select few. There's no where else I'd rather be than outside on days like these, or out and about with the best spring time music selection. I can even get MORE specific. My favorite time of the year, is around 6-7 pm on these beautiful days, because the day is still alive, and there's more time to enjoy after a full-day's work. Oh I pray it lasts like this for a while!

P.S. Bruce loves this weather as well. He's gotten to where he doesn't ask to go back inside after taking a break, but rather runs from me, and enjoys every second of my aimless chase. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Now That's Too Petty.

Although I am not a fan of Miley, I find this current controversy unnecessary. Would they have made less a deal if she'd been running in only her bikini? I guarantee you 99% of her following teens wear bikinis. Yet this is wrong??? She states that her 8 year old sister was following behind. And this is wrong??? Of course, the photo that the pap released caught this motion shot while her "girls" (as Hilary Aycock calls them) were reaching for the clouds. This is only natural. When a woman runs, so does everything else she's got. Now that's just too petty. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Amusing Bruce.

Oh, he is amusing as I've stated in earlier blogs. He's also easily amused as well. He sat there watching Friends for a full episode. John Mayer, look out! Bruce Wayne is eyeing your woman! I couldn't help but share this!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Pokey Little Puppy

My parents are puppy sitting for me while I'm on the road, and this came to mind for today's blog. My sweet little Bruce reminds me of this childhood favorite book, My Pokey Little Puppy. I thought at this point, I'd offer a few more details about MY pokey little puppy, Bruce.

1. Why did we name him Bruce?
-Upon sight, Maura called our little black lab Batman. We didn't really see naming a dog Batman, but  thought that we could name him Bruce (Bruce Wayne) and Maura could know his true identity. =)

2. Favorite thing to chew on?
-He goes for the pants legs. We're trying to break him from it, but it seems to just be his niche. Other than that, he has a hat that Jeff gave him that he's crazy about.

3. My favorite things about him?
-Aside from him being extremely beautiful, I do have a few things that I just love.
I love the way he pounces across the room when he's hyper... so out of rhythm and just puppy-like. I love the way he always makes a little puppy sound when he yawns. I love the way he tries to lick me, showing his affection. I love that sweet little look he gets when he's confused, and his head tilts from side to side..

Can you tell I miss my pokey little puppy? 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wow. I can't NOT look at it!

You know those moments when the worst happens, with like a shock factor of like 3495987? The ones where you feel embarrassed for someone, but nothing can be done, and you can not take your eyes off it? Ok, here we go...

This morning, while taking Morgan to school, I overheard Murphy, Sam, and Jody doing their regular morning talk show on WBBQ. This morning they began talking about The Bachelor. I picked up on a few tid bits here and there... he went back on his word... something something... and then I come home to the same topic on Good Morning America! This single dad from Seattle, Washington has apparently proposed to one girl, then turned around and said, "Wait, I made a mistake!" ??? This poor Melissa has had her share of humiliation for a LIFETIME. As if The Bachelor didn't seem a little crazy on its own (and I should be careful of judging it since I've never watched over 5 minutes of it), it just got crazier. 

I'm not here to say that the show is awful. I have always heard that if you watch 2 episodes of a soap opera, you'll be hooked. I always thought they seemed over dramatic and overrated. I always thought The Bachelor seemed super scripted and dramatic as well. (You don't gamble for love like that...) But apparently ABC knows what they're doing, because they're viewers have increased by 3 mil. 

Hmmm... dare I watch one to see what this mumbo jumbo is all about?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Meet Bruce.

Let me start by saying it isn't like me to be a week late on uploading photos. My camera cable is MIA, so I had to take one with my phone in order to upload even this soon.

Ladies and gents, meet Bruce! After a year of begging, I made my dad an offer he couldn't refuse. So last Sunday (2/22) Madison and I finally got a 'yes' out of him, and brought Bruce home. He's an 8 week old lab. For any of you looking for one of your own, he had 2 other brothers, and 3 sisters that are also looking for a good home. Contact The Sapp's at 706-359-1002.