Sunday, June 7, 2009

Regarding My Previous Post...

I have received a few complaints on my previous post, and in reading back, I see where the following sentence was worded incorrectly: "Side note: in Canada, you have no phone and no internet." My intention in saying that was to show that without cell service or internet, I had no distractions which encouraged me to do something educational, like reading a book. I am aware that Canada does have internet service, cell service, Wal-Mart, and Starbuck's, just like America does. I should have clarified myself on this topic. What I should have said to get my point across was that because I do not have the international package on my cell, it would have cost me to text or talk on my phone. Also, my source of internet while traveling is a Verizon air card, so getting online would have also been considered roaming for me, and would have cost a bit that I was unwilling to pay. I seem to recall blogging "Facebook Causes Panic" during the Canadian tour while sitting in production at Gaither's, because they had made internet available to us free of charge. Regardless, I would like to apologize if I offended any of my readers, and I promise to make myself clear in the future. 

1 comment:

kendall said...

Wait? I thought everyone already knew there was internet and cell service in Canada?? .... huh.