Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'll Be Out For A Week

Since I will be crossing the border tonight at 10 PM and not returning until next Tuesday, I thought I'd squeeze in one last blog. 

Did you know that NEWS is an acronym for North, East, West, South?

Last night, I began reading The Shack. I'm only on the second chapter, but so far, so good.

I thought last night was the best night of Idol this entire season. I'm anxious to see who goes home tonight. Considering how good everyone did last night, there's no predicting! (Well.... based on the whole season, Kris may go home, but who should assume?) I was thoroughly excited that Adam changed his song from Sympathy For The Devil by the Rolling Stones to Cryin' by Aerosmith! I had wanted him to do Aerosmith the entire year, and Madison called the song and everything just a few weeks ago! On a side note: Madison is good at calling anything... 5 minutes into a movie, he often leans over to me and whispers his predictions into my ear. 98% of the time, he's dead on it! Back to Idol... Rachael Lampa is going to be singing background vocals with Jordan Sparks tonight. YAY! (For Rachael Lampa... definitely not YAY for Jordan Sparks... not for me). 

My annoyance with Idol currently: It has become to political. People are no longer voting and choosing not to vote for all the wrong reasons. If it really is a singing competition, that should be all that matters. But it isn't.

Madison and I are planning on setting a date within the next month, and the wedding planning will begin. In excitement, I have decided to research some wedding folklore. This website offers information about why cans are tied to the back of the get away car, where the wedding cake originated, original purpose of the best man, definition of tying the knot, the origin of the bridal shower, and many more random folklore tid bits. 

I'm so excited to start planning soon! 

Today, I looked back at pictures of Bruce as a puppy, and gosh was he the sweetest looking thing! He still is, but not as small. Not nearly as small. It was so hard to leave him yesterday. He gave me the most pitiful face... and if I'm a weakling for anything, it's a sad puppy. Madison and I just bought a video camera, so hopefully soon, I will upload something of Bruce. His most recent meddling pertains to shoes. If he wants attention, he'll go grab a shoe. He knows he isn't supposed to chew on them, so he simply takes it into another room and sits and waits patiently for you to come after him. He really is a smart dog!

That's all I can think of to write about for now. I'll post about the Canada trip in about a week!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Well, I did not know thats really what news meant. It makes complete sense...just never thought about it.