Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Met the Famous Sasquatch Burger... and it Defeated Me.

After watching Man Vs. Food, and learning that we would be in Memphis this weekend, 
we couldn't help but go and see it for ourselves!
This burger, previously known as the Sasquatch burger, contains 4 Ibs of meat! 
If one person eats it within an hour, the burger ($21.99) is free along with a t-shirt, and a hall of frame photo on the wall. Only a couple of people have ever conquered the Kookamunga burger.
The record time is 7 minutes and 47 seconds!
We split this burger into 4 parts.
We found that the patty was 2 inches thick!
Neither of us 4 could even finish our quarter. 
Go figure!
So if you ever get the chance, go see it for yourself,
because the photo does NOT do it justice.


Hilary said...

oh. my. Lord. Why in the world would someone subject themselves to that? I read the later blog (calorie count) and about fainted. This burger should be illegal.

I don't think it came with enough fries, though. :)

Shannon Easter said...

I know... it should be illegal simply because one day's diet is supposed to be 2,000 calories! THIS IS 12! That's 6 days worth of eating, and then some!

And the fries were some of the best I've ever tasted. =)