Sunday, August 5, 2012

Two Wolves

I love this old Cherokee tale. Bottom line, we have to be aware that whatever we feed ourselves be it spiritually, emotionally, or physically, that is what will win in our lives. Make wise decisions, choose to be healthy. Choose to study your Bible or read a devotion. Surround yourself with positive and encouraging people. Choose to eat things that have positive effects on your physical health. Reject negative thoughts and starve them 'til they no longer exist. It's just that simple, you do have control over how you feel about life!

Be encouraged, seek encouragement, give encouragement!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, April 8, 2012

God Works In Mysterious Ways

We were in Standardsville, VA today. Over lunch the promoter's son, Jordan, casually mentioned that our group's Facebook page had Standardsville, PA listed for today's event instead of VA. You see, every Monday I post our upcoming tour dates for the upcoming and next weekend on our page. Eager to correct the error I had made earlier in the week, I instantly went into my Facebook app to post a correction status:

"In Standardsville, VA today, 7PM, at William Monroe High School. Come see us!"

For the past few weeks anytime I've tried to post from my phone, it's shown up as though Shannon Easter posted on the Jeff & Sheri Easter band page wall instead of showing up like Jeff & Sheri Easter posted a status update, the way it should always appear when I do this. Explaining this to Madison while attempting to post, I discovered that today it posted as it should have without any problems.

Shortly before the concert began, a previous employee and family friend showed up with her mom. They began telling us that just yesterday they had buried her husband and Kimberly's father, and had gotten home at 3 am. When we posted our status update, Kimberly saw it while browsing Facebook and quickly asked her mom if she had time to get ready. This was at 3pm and the concert, an hour and a half away, was to start at 7.

With Kimberly and her family on their minds, during the second half of the concert, Jeff and Sheri asked me to sing Hold Me While I Cry. After it ended, the promoter began explaining that the song that was just sung was one that had gotten him through the darkest days of his life.

I can't believe that any of this day's progression of events was coincidental. I'm so amazed at the thought that God uses us and directs our paths in even the most unnoticeable ways. Isaiah 55:9, my favorite scripture, says "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts". God works in ways that we can't even fathom. He directs our paths even when we don't know to be listening to take care of others that need it. The most comforting of that fact is that the reverse is also true. If he can use us to help someone that needs it even when we may not know it, he can use others to help us in our time of need even when they don't know it. Isn't that a beautiful thought?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location: Standardsville, VA

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

52 Days!

Hey guys,
There are only 52 days left of fundraising for Relay for Life. I want to take a moment and explain in more depth why I relay.

Giving back is something I believe we all should do and that we're all capable of doing, despite our obstacles. Because of my travel schedule I am unable to be a part of Relay for Life when it comes to actually walking for the cause, but because I am aware of the effects cancer can have on a body, on a family, and on our society, I wanted to get involved anyway. How am I doing that? By raising money for cancer patients and cancer research! I have a personal goal of raising $250 and I'm already 8% there. I would love for you to join me in giving back by making a donation to help me reach my goal!

Donate HERE.

You're the best!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Ahhh, I'm so excited, I'm so beside myself! Madison surprised me today and showed me that he ordered me an iPad which I've been wanting for a while! Not only that but I also found a really cool shop where I ordered sleeves for my iPad as well as a custom made guitar strap! Have I mentioned yet how excited I am??? The sleeves I ordered are below. You should definitely check out this shop, they make accessories for all kinds of devices!

Just for a very brief update on what I've been up to lately, I've just started my final quarter of classes for this year and I'm taking 3 while a normal load for me is 2! I'm still reading Unbroken as of now considering my work load, but plan to finish it and post a review by May. Right now I'm also raising money for Relay For Life and if you are interested in helping me reach my goal of $538, you can donate by clicking HERE. ANY amount is greatly appreciated and will go so far in fighting cancer! Thank you so much in advance! I hope you all are doing well! =)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Prayers Are For

I am writing this post to follow up on the prayer requests I made via Twitter yesterday evening. I can not thank those of who you responded to me or prayed for those family members I mentioned enough. I told you I'd provide details once I knew them, and here they are.

My grandmother on my mom's side, and my only grandmother since age 5, was admitted into the hospital late last week because she was unable to breath or stand. After running tests, they've discovered that she has severe sleep apnea which she's been dealing with for some time and her oxygen levels are low. At the beginning of this week it looked as though she was taking a turn for the worst, but was admitted back into the hospital and is being treated now. More than anything at this point, please pray that she feels encouraged. She isn't keen of the idea of having to live on oxygen for the rest of her life, and we all know how much attitude matters with anything, especially life itself. She's never really been sick, so dealing with it isn't coming easy for her.

We had a distant cousin who lost his battle to cancer yesterday so please pray for his closer family/friends who are dealing with this right now.

My aunt was having symptoms last night that lead us to believe last night that she was experiencing a heart attack, so she was rushed to the ER. She's back at home now after being diagnosed with low potassium levels and anemia.

Tomorrow morning we're leaving town for 2 weeks so none of this was seeming to occur at the most appropriate time (not that illness can ever be appropriate). In a moment of concern, I requested your prayers. After all, that's what prayers are for right? Moments of concern!

Again, thank you all so much.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Relay For Life: Making A Difference

Almost everyone has been touched by cancer, either through his or her own personal battle or through someone they love. Just within my family and extended family, I know 9 people who have battled:

My step-mother's other brother, Randy, who is a 3 month survivor of throat cancer

My cousin, Kathy, who is a 5 month survivor of cervical cancer

My step-mother's brother, Mike, who is a 9 month survivor of colon cancer

My step-grandmother, Kitten, who is a 1-year survivor of breast & colon cancer.

My mother-in-law, Sheri, who is a 3 year survivor of breast cancer

My grandfather, Robert, who is a 6 year survivor of prostate cancer

My aunt, Elaine, who is a 16 year survivor of breast cancer

My aunt, Agnes, who is a 16 year survivor of cervical cancer

My mother-in-law's aunt, Janis, who is a 21 year survivor of breast cancer

I am working to raise money for the American Cancer Society in honor of these people and many others we have met who are facing similar battles.

Every day, the American Cancer Society is helping us stay well by preventing cancer or finding it at its earliest, most treatable stages. They assist families in finding the best resources to help their friend or loved one deal with a diagnosis and their journey to get well. The American Cancer Society is also rallying communities (like ours!) through events like Relay For Life, to fight back and find cures for this disease. Please join my team or make a donation to help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Together, we can help make sure that cancer never steals another year of anyone's life!

When I say that your support is more appreciated than you know, I speak on behalf of every soul who has lost their battle, every soul who may be battling right now, and every soul who may battle in the future. I speak on behalf of every soul who has been touched by cancer, and that volume is high. Thank you so much in advanced for your donation. Any amount, large or small, is greatly appreciated more than you know!

Donate here!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Just a post to offer a brief update and a few recent thoughts...

We're coming off of vacation and back to work we all go! We vacationed in Orlando for a week prior to Christmas and this ranks as one of my favorite vacations ever. We enjoyed both Disney & Universal, some time together as a couple celebrating our one year wedding anniversary, and time with our family as well. This really was the ultimate vacation full of all the things we love!

I start school again on Jan 9th and until then I'm enjoying some leisure reading. I'm currently reading Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand, and after that will be moving onto Sheri's book, Hear My Heart, which I should have read by now! I had started When God Winks and Unbroken midterm of last semester, so I figure I better finish them before moving onto more. My list of "to-reads" just keeps getting longer and longer. Hopefully my classes will be less vigorous this time around and I won't really have to take a break from my leisures... meaning that maybe this year I won't fail at my annual book reading goal like I did for 2011. It's ok, good grades and education were worth the sacrifice.

I've made my New Years Resolutions list for 2012 and extended it from my normal 10 goals to 11. Part of that list involves giving back even more. This year I'm aiming for our group, Making A Difference, to double the amount of rice grains donated in 2011. Our totals for '11 were 301540 meaning that our goal for '12 is 603,080. If you aren't already on our team, feel free to join HERE.

About a month ago I decide to try Tumblr, but have since decided that it isn't for me. I either have a little to say (Twitter) or a lot (this blog), and there really isn't an in between. I've grown very fond of Goodreads, and Instagram though. I'll include those links below if you care to follow.

Instagram screen name: shan3641

Just thinking.. I've heard the quote that goes something like "You are often your own problem, but you're also your solution". I've been thinking about this lately and I love that this quote is two fold. It's hard sometimes to accept that we can be our own problem, but the second half of that, "you're also your own solution" is so empowering. Believing that we are our own problem can be difficult, but knowing that we have the power to fix it makes it so much easier to hear! So take it to heart and take control!

Just a small disclaimer, in rereading some of my previous posts, I have noticed countless errors. Please know that when I feel the inspiration to blog I do proof read, but being too close to the material and to anxious to get it out there (to post it), I make mistakes. I'm human and I'm fallible. I'm going to go ahead and apologize for those mistakes now, and I'm going to do my best to make less in future!

Before I end this, I want to thank all of you who read my blog. I keep it because I enjoy writing. Knowing that I have a few followers makes writing feel rewarding. So thank you, thank you, thank you!

Oh, and thank you!!!

I hope this year brings you all abundant blessings!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Book Review: When God Winks At You

I just finished reading this book, When God Winks At You, written by Squire Rushnell. It was my vacation book of choice, and one that offered me relaxation and rejuvenation like a good vacation should. This book is full of various stories of God winks; things that could be perceived as coincidences, but better perceived as divine winks of hope, encouragement, and reassurance. Each story was empowered by faith and for faith. I found myself often times reflecting on various situations in life and having no doubt that I'd experienced many God winks of my own, and that's what's so great about this book: it proves to us that we all have a story to tell and that our faith can bring us through anything. It encourages us all to review happenings in our lives and to pay closer attention in the future. This book is a quick and easy read that leaves a heart warm. It's one I'd highly recommend. 5/5