Friday, December 31, 2010

As Lucky As a Clover

I stumbled upon this draft that, in life's business, I never got around to posting. I wrote it on 10/11/10 but still wanted to share it with you all.

Last night, it was brought to my attention that today is 10/10/10. I thought to myself, this has to be a lucky day. Only occurring once every thousand years, this day must be as lucky as finding a 4-leaf clover! The only time I EVER found one of those was in the 4-H logo, though as a kid, I definitely wasted time searching for a real one. The 4-leaf clover is rare, thus leading us to believe it's lucky. This date, 10-10-10, only occurs once every thousand years, so can see why I think it would be so special.
But it got me to thinking about how life doesn't depend on finding a penny heads up, finding a 4-leaf clover, or all three components of a date being the same number. I think it's rare that people really get that every single decision we make is important, even something as small as whether or not we smile at a stranger. You want to be lucky? Be one of the few that takes these small gestures to heart. Treat every word you speak as though it can make a difference, because it can. Greet everyone with kindness, you never know what troubles they may be privately facing. Always be honest with yourself and others. Your experiences, even if you aren't proud of them, can help others. Besides, sharing your soul, well that's pretty rare too. Create your own luck in the decisions you make daily, and pass it on to others. Let your life be a living prayer and testimony for everything you believe in.
The bottom line is, you never know when the slightest thing you do may make a difference.

A clover is just a clover unless it has 4 leaves. But, though a clover cannot choose to grow 4 leaves, we can choose to grow into the person we want to be and the things we do are just one decision and action away, every second.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dad Always Said..

Ever since I can remember, dad has always said, "Lord willing, we'll be there." or "Lord willing, we'll do (such and such)". Now I know why.

Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a
city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.
For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little
time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord
will, we shall live, and do this, or that. But now ye rejoice in your
boastings: all such rejoicing is evil. Therefore to him that knoweth to
do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
-James 4:13-17

Folks, that's food for thought.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sleep Paralysis

For years now, or since about 7th grade from what I remember, I have had frequent nightmares that are so frightening, they leave me fearful of sleep. No matter how hard I try I can't move, ask for help, or wake up. This happened again today and it was scarier than ever. I would try to scream for help but could never get anything out, I would try to open my eyes, but each time would prove unsuccessful yet at the same time, it felt like my eyes were already opened. It's like being awake in a nightmare, if that makes sense. I don't feel like I can really relay the fright and fear felt during something like this. So after this happened today, I began googling symptoms and discovered that there is a name for the condition: Sleep Paralysis. This article describes it well:

This next article says that it most often occurs when lying on your back, which is my sleeping position whenever this occurs. It also encourages talking to others about it, so in case you've ever battled this fright, read this article which offers several prevention methods.


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Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Publication!

My first article has been publish to The Alchemist, Brenau's Online Student Publication I was previously telling you about! I have included the link below so that you can check it out if you'd like: My article is the 1o Tips on the bottom of the home page. In the future, I will be writing for the Arts & Entertainment section as well as motivational articles under Opinion & Editorial. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Just A Quick Update

In high school, I always loved to be active and take leadership in clubs and various activities so likewise, in college I wanted to do the same. Finding a way to be involved as an off campus student has not proven successful, until now! A week ago yesterday, I went to visit my college campus, Brenau University, and to meet with the editor of it's online publication, The Alchemist. Yesterday, I sent in my first 2 articles for editing and today, received wonderful feedback. I am officially a staff writer for my college's online paper, and I'm SO excited about it! They are currently working on improving the website and will be publishing sometime next week. As soon as they do, I'll be sure to post a link in case you're interested in reading.
More details to follow!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Madison and I have currently taken on a small side project, making guitar string jewelry, in which all proceeds go towards our wedding and honeymoon.

If you read my blogs, you're aware that my biggest goal in life is to make a difference. Today I'm offering you the opportunity to do the same. Purchase this set (earrings not pictured) for $20, wear it to promote breast cancer awareness, and 20% goes to Susan G. Komen For The Cure.

August means getting back in the swing of school, and getting back into the swing of school means that football season is beginning. Show your spirit for the Georgia Bulldogs with this $15 set. >>

Purple is royalty. A mysterious color, purple is associated with both nobility and spirituality.

This clear beaded bracelet with a wing charm serves as a reminder to always dare to chase your dreams. It's only when you chase your dreams that they're within your reach. >>

Shades of brown, bronze, and auburn are perfect for the upcoming Fall season.

For as the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. -Isaiah 55:9 >>

I love skeleton keys.

All items are limited in quantity. If you have any
questions or would like to place an order, contact me at I do accept PayPal. Please note: to have an order shipped to you, add $2 to the price listed for shipping and handling.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Good Bad Examples

I am a very ambitious and goal oriented person, as you may know. I was awake and thinking at 6 AM this morning and I've decided that one of my biggest goals in life is to be the very best person I can be not only for myself, but for my family and friends, my community, and my world. (I was an active 4Her throughout grade school incase you can't tell.) I am always striving to be that person: friendly, loving, giving, caring, honest, intelligent, genuine, etc.. But the opposite is also true: I consciously strive to not be selfish, mean, dramatic, or any other derogatory adjectives. We have the ability to decide our attitudes and how we handle stressful situations and this just goes hand in hand with that: we can decide to be good or bad people.

I also began to think about some people I know, and we all know people like this, who do things that we disagree with, things that get a rouse out of people, things that disappoint people, and who are typically known for a bad trait or two. You know, you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family... That sort of thing. Sometimes it's so hard to see the good in those people and it can be so difficult to love them, but the truth is, there is something good to take from every situation. For one, these people are good bad examples of what not to do or who not to be, and in being a good bad example, they are encouraging us to strive for that better person and they give us the opportunity to do so. I once read that the people we feel deserve love the least are those who need it the most and that's how I want to live: I want to love and accept everyone even those who make it particularly difficult and in doing so, I want to set a good example. I really do believe that love can change the world and I believe that in loving we bring not only ourselves closer to God, but others as well. I'd like to share an excerpt from a chapter of Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller that I read recently.

" be in a relationship with God is to be loved purely and furiously. And a person who thinks himself unlivable cannot be in a relationship with God because he can't accept who God is; a Being that is love. That is why God tells us so many times to love each other."

I challenge you today to love and care for those around you with everything you've got and to inspire others to do that same.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Guitar String Jewelry

I've still yet to think of a catchy name for it, but here are a few pieces I've made so far. Some of the guitar strings were used by Madison and a few by Jason Crabb. Note: the earrings aren't made of guitar string: they're just extra accessories. They're all for sale, so if you're interested, don't hesitate to contact me. =)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Turning 20 and La Maison on Telfair

So a few weeks ago, I turned 20. I like it pretty well... now, at least, but actually turning 20 just felt weird. Suddenly the maturity of being an adult was now matched with a number. I know... you're technically an adult at 18, but with "teen" at the end of my age, I still felt just that: a teen. Entering a new decade of life left me with no excuses of not being a full on adult and it forced me to accept the fact that birthday parties just aren't what they were as a child, so for the first day or two, I had to adjust.

On the 29th, two days after my birthday, Madison came and picked me up dressed in slacks and a dress shirt, looking rather sharp I might add, and his arms full of roses and a gift wrapped in lavender. Inside the lavender wrapped gift, were the most gorgeous and elegant black ear rings I've ever seen. They're now my absolute favorite, even beyond their beauty, because he gave them to me. There's just something about your man giving you jewelry, beautiful jewelry at that, that makes it so much more special. So we walked to the car, got in, and he began playing a mixed CD he made for me, full of some of my favorite feel good songs. He knew I had been intending on making one for like a year and had just never gotten around to it, so he did it for me, which made for a pleasant surprise. Our reservations were for 7 pm in downtown Augusta, in an intimate French restaurant, La Maison on Telfair. The ambiance of the place was elegant, intimate, and quiet. The vegetables, the freshest I've ever tasted. The steak, flavored unlike any I've ever tried. We soon learned that the chef was from Germany, interned at Euro Disney, and grew the vegetables he served in his very own garden. Our three course meal lasted for two hours allowing us to escape from life's chaos and to simply enjoy conversation with one another. That night, I decided that my 20th birthday was my best thus far, but I foresee spending the rest of my birthday's with him being even better and better.

I encourage you to learn more about La Maison on Telfair at
and definitely to go experience it for yourself if ever in the area.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I can't believe it's been 6 months since I've blogged, which means 6 months since I've signed into my account and read other various blogs that I dearly enjoy. So tonight I will be catching up on both accounts. For now, here's an update and a new blog. For the sake of not being too lengthy, I'll update you on a few things at a time which will encourage more blogs in the future. I've have quite a bit to talk about.

New Year's Resolutions- I am proud to say that I'm looking pretty good on sticking to my resolutions this year. I've successfully completed 6 of 14 and am continuing to conquer the other 8. Number 2 on my list was to maintain all As in school, and for Spring semester of '10, I've done so. Number 5: apply for as many scholarships as possible. I am spending time each week doing so. A week ago, I was chosen for one that I applied for and it is being presented to me on July 25th! Number 12 on my list was to read 6 books this year: a resolution which has proven to have been set at a low standard seeing as I'm on my 8th so far and am only half way through the year. I read the Harry Potter series and I fear there won't be another fictional series that I enjoy as much. I foresee revisiting the series in the future as well. J.K. Rowling's writing is brilliant; she makes you fall in love with these characters and her plot twists are unpredictable. I've also done some volunteer work this year (Number 14) and intend to continue doing so.

Wedding Plans- They're coming along! Madison and I have finished registering at Bed Bath & Beyond and intend to also register at Target as well as Wal-Mart soon. Our honeymoon has been booked! We are spending 2 days in Paris and 3 in London making for a 7 day honeymoon (including travel). We will depart on the 13th, the day after our wedding, and return on the 20. I'm planning to finish choosing bridesmaids gowns this week as well as beginning to assemble our invites (which we've purchased). This past week we began making a few minor upgrades to the house where we will live for a few years. Right now, we are currently transforming an old junk room into a master bathroom with the help of Jeff & Sheri and my parents. We are also planning on adding a deck onto the back of the house, which really excites me! Other than that, a few closets need to be painted and then all that's left is to rearrange and move in! I'll be sure to blog before and after pictures of our progressions!

That's it for now, but expect more blogs soon. Hope you're all doing well! =)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Official Release!

Today is the official release date of our new CD, Expecting Good Things, IN STORES NOW! Amazon, B&N, Wally World, iTunes, you name it! Go get it!:)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

JM Holiday Cake

Last year at Thanksgiving, I told my step-mom that I wanted to bake a 3D Christmas tree cake. From that idea, we began brainstorming of ways to actually get lights onto our concoction; lights that would actually light up. This year, Madison brought it to my attention that John Mayer was having a baking contest. SO- here is our result!

This is a 6 tier, 3-dementional cake that is completely edible except for the Christmas lights! My step-mom, Grace, Madison, and I created this in 7 hours. The ornaments on the tree (carefully hand constructed of fondant icing) represent events in John Mayer's career. They begin at the bottom with the Fender Strat, the first guitar, and spiral upwards including events such as his living in Atlanta, his attendance at Berklee College of Music, Grammy awards, the Mayer Craft Carrier, and peaking with the upcoming "Heartbreak Warfare" single. We entered our cake in John Mayer's 2nd Annual Baking Contest and sent pictures of it directly to the judge, John, himself! Although we didn't win, the experience and quality time spent together was definitely worth the while. We plan to enter again this Christmas with an even bigger and hopefully better cake!