Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tonight was the Homecoming concert at the Lewis Family Homestead. It was a great success, and so much fun! Because we were in our hometown, Madison and I were able to take Bruce along and enjoy his company! He got to play with several kids, and got tons of attention from various others in passing. I'm so proud of how well he behaved! He and Maura even got along! She wasn't afraid of him tonight, and stuck by him the majority of the time. We're still working on getting Rigby and Bruce better acquainted, but I really do think within a couple more weeks, they'll be fine. It was so much fun working at home and seeing loved ones at the same time. Thanks to all who came out and supported the show! We're planning on doing it again next year, so as soon as we have a date, mark your calendars! 


A Major Disappointment

Today began, like all Mondays do, with office work. But today was different. Unlike most Mondays, I was ahead of the game today! I came home around 1 after running errands and studied more for my algebra final. I'm so glad I took math from Mrs. Thomas in high school. I took my math final, and did really well! I also finished my final paper for my written communications class. I did what I truly believe was my best. I gave it hours of attention and I hope it pays off. So, my day was going so well! 

I headed over to Sheri's, where we all meet every Monday night for Heroes. Heroes has been a favorite TV show of mine for about a year now, but after tonight I don't know if I'm going to keep watching. I have no clue what the writers were thinking. It was the dumbest finale imaginable. I just don't see ANY logic behind it. The first episode of next season will REALLY have to redeem itself, or its going to lose many many viewers.

Now I'm headed to bed. Tomorrow we're all going to be at the Lewis Family Homeplace doing a show. If you're near, stop by and say hello.

Friday, April 24, 2009

An Announcement

Congratulations to "We Are Family" featuring Jeff & Sheri Easter, The Lewis Family, and The Easter Brothers on Bluegrass Song of the Year and Bluegrass Album of the Year!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here's The Deal

I've noticed that lately my blog has not been living up to its title, Randomocities. It has become mostly about Bruce (which is the joy in my life right now), and on occasion, more personal info about me. So, here's the deal. I'm going to start labeling my blogs. Those titled Journal will be about my daily ravings, those titled Puppy Love will be about Bruce, and those titled That's a Fact! will be random curiosities that I have further investigated. So to begin today...


Today is Wednesday. I had to remind myself that it was. We've been on the road for 5 days, and arrived at home in the wee hours of this morning. That made today an office day. I began with a bowl of Minnie Wheats and a cup of coffee, which did not help on energy at all. (Random fact: I've recently read that an apple in the morning is more effective in providing energy than a cup of coffee... I plan to test this theory tomorrow). 

After finishing up office work, I rushed home to find my Bruce no longer a puppy. (Do I say that every week I come home???) I had missed him so much! After a bit of play time, he grabbed his lease, and he and I went for a run. Today we only accomplished about 3 good laps. See, I'm afraid I'm getting a bad cold, and I'm trying my hardest to beat it before it seeds well into my immune system. My muscles are achy, and my sinus glands a bit testy. Just a few moments ago, I treated myself to a good ole natural remedy bath of warm water + a cup of epsome salt (good for relaxing the muscles). I feel a little better, and plan to soak again another time before bed.

In the meantime, I'm blogging. I have plans to dump Aerosmith's Big Ones into my iPhone since it has become my main ipod. I hardly even use my nano or my classic anymore, but that's part of the iPhone package. I love it! I also intend on removing the too-dark-red nail polish from my finger nails, and replacing it with a Spring-friendly-pink. After that, like every Wednesday, I'll see who goes home on Idol. (I'm wishing for Lil and Anoop to say bye-bye). I doubt I'll work anymore on my paper today, because I'm determined that finals are the stress of my life right now, and tonight is for me. I will not let school bring me down. I will not let school bring me down. I will not let school bring me down. Or so I tell myself. In the end, I will have stressed over a 5 page paper, gotten my grade, and it will no longer matter. This too shall pass.

Until next time,

Monday, April 20, 2009


101. I believe that if humans lived the way they should, they would feel better and be more successful. I’m talking about eating MOSTLY healthy foods and exercising frequently. I never said that I lived up to this statement, just simply that I believe it.

100. I’m currently reading “”When God Winks at You” by Squire Rushnell and I believe in Godwinks; Otherwise, I’ve had way to many cool and unexplainable coincidences in my life.

99. I have 3 pieces of Audrey art in my room, and I love her. That’s a whole blog for another day.

98. I never have been able to pick a favorite color, because I like different things about them all. I tend to go through phases when it comes to my closet, and within each season, I tend to buy more of a certain color, but that doesn’t mean it’s my favorite.

97. I’m the same way with food. I go through weird phases. One time, all I ate was fried chicken. Then I didn’t touch it for like 2.5 years, and now, Ferguson’s fried chicken is all I want.

96. I’m addicted to twitter, but you already know that.

95. I really want to become fluent in at least 2 other languages. I’d prefer French and Italian. I can speak enough Spanish to get by, but I think I’ll just let “enough” be enough.

94. There are a couple of people I’m dying to meet. Hillary Lindsey, Carrie Underwood, Martina McBride, Celine Dion, John Mayer, Ellen… ok… there are more than a couple… and that probably does not sum up the list.

93. I think the world of my dad. If you only knew, you’d understand that my saying that he is my hero is not just some cliché statement.

92. I care to nurture relationships, and I highly value friendship. This will be somewhat of a difficulty when coming to writing a complete guest list for our wedding, lol.

91. A few TV shows I enjoy: True Blood, Dexter, Heroes, American Idol, The Office, Boy Meets World, Friends, Food Network Cake Challenges, Mythbusters, ok… there aren’t just a few here either.

90. See, I never could pick favorites. I’m a very ambitious person.

89. I really do hope that in my lifetime, I can make a difference in someone’s life. A good difference that is..

88. I have a plethora of Bridal Magazines, and I’m excited to start planning for a wedding that looks like may be in Dec of 2010 or Jan of 2011.

87. I often think of unexplainable questions like “How do you know that what I see as blue is the exact same as what you see as blue?” Why? Because we all have different preferences, so are we seeing the same thing? Yes, I know that body chemicals make up who we are and our personalities… but really? We were all taught that the sky was blue, so everything THAT SHADE that we were taught was blue, is known as blue. But is your blue my blue? What?

86. I love biographies. I like to know where people come from and what they’ve endured.

85. Disney World, oh my Disney World. I never get enough of it. That’s a story I love as well. If ever you can, check out the History Channel’s Modern Marvels on Disney. It’s intriguing.

84. I’ve taken 10 years of piano, and I still love to play. When I’m home on Sundays, I’m normally playing for a church somewhere nearby, and sometimes play at the MACK on Thursdays. They have a tip jar there. =)

83. I often wish I had done All State Choir another year or so instead of thinking that there just wasn’t time to try out. I also wish I had done more in 4H, and not settled for 2nd place in Performing Arts Vocal, but tried again for first, and then to master 4H. I wish I had made time to try out for Clovers and Co. I also could’ve done more in FBLA, but none of this is really important.

82. I’m currently attending college online through Brenau University. I suppose this means I’m self- disciplined.

81. I am an animal lover. I would have a whole farm if money and lifestyle were no object. I would also have animals you don’t really see on farms, like sugar gliders and dolphins. However, I’ve never really wanted to be a vet. There are too many opportunities for sad situations there.

80. I’m a sucker for a good clever line. This is why I love Hillary Lindsey so much. Sheri has some clever lines as well!

79. Why, yes I do randomly burst into song!

78. I like to be organized, and I like for my room to be clean. I just feel better when everything is in its place, but I’m not OCD.

77. Financially, my guilty pleasure is buying CDs. I would go broke over buying them if I didn’t watch myself.

76. I LOVE sales. Unless it’s something I’m dying to have or absolutely drool over, I won’t pay full price for it. That’s right.

75. I like to make things, especially cards that I mail people. I feel it adds a more personal touch, and it gives me playtime.

74. I also like to draw, and I’m so anxious to go to Disney and do the class where you learn to draw characters!

73. I also love photography. I find it very interesting and fun as well.

72. I still have my old Furby. He doesn’t work, and I wish he did, but he is still present in my room. Does that make me a child, or a pack rat?

71. I also have 2 guitars, one electric and one acoustic, in my room, as well as a Roland Phantom keyboard. That’s the same one they have on American Idol. It can do EVERYTHING.

70. I think the Dummies books are great… I have a couple of them myself. Does that make me a dummy?

69. I love surprises! Good ones though…

68. I don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. I suppose this means I’m independent.

67. I enjoy factoids… useless, I know.

66. My best time for creative thinking is either while driving or at night while lying in bed- because there are ok distractions.

65. I love video games- My favorite is Super Mario Brothers! I’m planning on buying a Nintendo DS very soon.

64. I like buying my jeans from Buckle because they fit me best. However, I only buy a pair or two a year from there considering their prices, and I wear the TAR out of ‘em!

63. I love yoga and would be thrilled if I could attend a yoga class at least once a week.

62. As you can tell by my Facebook activity, I love twitter. That’s almost all I do on Facebook.

61. My television guilty pleasure is Americas Next Top Model. I am not a fan of Tyra but the photo shoots are really cool... And Tyra is pretty although I find her self consumed.

60. My favorite way to sleep is with my room cool and my electric blanket on low.

59. Bruce is my running busy because he encourages me to keep going.

58. I need motivation to exercise.

57. I love Christmas because it's cuddle weather and everyone gets along for the most part.

56. My feel good weather is Spring- when it's not hot but warm out and the sun stays out until like 8 pm.

55. I love fruit of all kinds.

54. That being said, you know that cool juicer on the infomercials? I want it.

53. I find it hard to take a disease like the whooping cough seriously when it has a name like that...

52. I enjoy reading just not always when it's a requirement.

51. Math was always my favorite in school.

50. I'm going to school to become a business management major.

49. I'm fascinated with dreams.

48. My favorite dreams are when I'm flying. My least favorite- when I'm losing teeth. And I often dream of celebrities... Random I know.

47. I am pretty random.

46. I still enjoy watching Disney movies while babysitting Maura.

45. My summer goal is to watch every Audrey Hepburn movie.

44. I have a full bookshelf in my room.

43. I often wish I did more for myself... Does that make me selfish? I dot mean it that way...

42. I fall asleep every night with Friends on TV.

41. Favorite candy bar? Snickers.

40. I actually enjoy cleaning at times, but I have to be in the mood for it. I find it sometimes therapeutic.

39. I can clean my plate at the Japanese restaurant. I love to eat, and Japanese and sushi are my favorites.

38. I think coffee has a reverse effect on me… I sleep the best after I’ve had a cup!

37. At times, I need to be to myself in order to recharge. It’s mandatory.

36. I can cook. Let me reword that. I can follow directions on a box.

35. I love going to concerts. The best ones are of bands that I’ve loved since I was younger.

34. I am proud to say that I wrote my classes graduation song. Luckily, we all still seem to touch base every now and then.

33. I don’t like to stereotype people. I want to be accepting of people of all backgrounds, and I’d hope people would be that way in meeting me as well.

32. Sleep is good… I often fear I’ll sleep my life away. Then again, I do a lot everyday, so maybe I’m not really missing anything. I hope not.

31. I love roller coasters! I really want to go to Cedar Point someday, home of some of the largest roller coasters! I also need to ride Rockin’ Rollercoaster at Disney!

30. I believe in tennis ball therapy. It cuts down on requiring chiropractic care.

29. Every time I’ve ever been to El Portal, our local Mexican restaurant, I’ve gotten the exact same order. The lady knows my order just by hearing “hello” from me over the phone.

28. If you’ve seen any earlier posts, you can see that I enjoy doing creative cakes. Fun stuff!

27. I think people should take vitamins daily. 

26. I adore Netflix. I have the 4 at a time deal!

25. I drink at least one glass of whole milk every day.

24. I LOVE breakfast, it’s my favorite meal!

23. I’m not a huge fan of watching musicals, but I do enjoy a few. I like them better when I see professionals perform them as opposed to just on TV.

22. I love jazz music, and would love to go to a jazz club just to enjoy the music.

21. I’ve had one surgery in my life (KNOCK ON WOOD). That was when I had my tonsils removed.

20. I’ve never experienced laughing gas, but I’ve heard it’s fun.

19. I have a cat as well as Bruce, and she’s just as spoiled! Her name is Tipsy!

18. I fiddle with my iPhone when I get bored. That’s why my battery never lasts as long as everyone else’s does.

17. I’m not huge on flowers… they’re pretty, but they mess with my allergies.

16. I used to be on allergy shots. I gave them to myself once a week, one in each thigh. Then I just… stopped. I’ve been fine ever since. I still take an allergy pill every now and then though.

15. I am NOT a fan of NASCAR. Are people really entertained with cars going in circles 300 times for a piece of metal trophy?

14. MovieStop is an amazing store. I tend to go about once a week.

13. I’m really good about drinking water for the most part. Other than my one glass of milk a day, about the only other thing I drink is tea, and fruit juice drinks.

12. I am hypoglycemic. This means my sugar randomly drops if I don’t eat about every 3 hours. But I love to eat, so this isn’t a problem for me.

11. I’ve never been to New York City, but I’m hoping to go this Christmas for about a week!

10. There are MANY places I’d still like to see…. I love to travel. I think within the next year or so, I’m going to Paris.

9. I love those old Victorian bathtubs, and I hope to have one in my house in the future!

8. I applied to UGA, and was accepted, but decided I liked traveling. Here I am doing online college now... er, procrastinating college right now…

7. I’m wishy-washy with my hair. One day I want a short Victoria Beckham style, the next day I want long locks like Miley (only her hair is fake). I think I’ve settled for growing it out for a while.

6. I’m really good about biting my tongue when I’m annoyed.

5. My favorite cookies at Christmas are peanut butter cookies because dad and I always made them together when I was little and it was just he and I.

4. Because it was just dad and I for 9 years, I think that’s why I’m pretty independent.

3. That being said, I have the sweetest step-mom ever, even if she doesn’t have the same mentality about organization.

2. I can be an over achiever.

1. The rest is still unwritten… 

This is just a test- I'm trying to set up my blog so that I can blog directly from my iPhone when an idea strikes!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

That's a Fact!- History of the Snickers Candy Bar

Originally introduced in 1929 by Frank and Ethel Mars, the Snickers bar was named after their family horse. The original Snickers bars were sold for a nickel and consisted primarily of chocolate, peanuts and caramel. It is still the number 1 selling candy bar in the U.S. today!

Just thought you'd like to know!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bruce's Bloopers.

Yesterday, I found Bruce in my bathroom twice, with another broken lamp and trash everywhere. I find it odd that he was able to reach these things since I left them in my sink with keeping them away from him in mind. He even reached his box of treats, and ate them ALL. Both times I caught him in the act, he gave me that sweet charming face of his, which did not keep him from trouble. Bruce is the funniest when you mention getting a newspaper. He tucks his tail and runs to hide under the closest object he can find, and once he receives his spanking, again, there's that charming sweet face. 

A day or so ago, while at the lake house, Bruce had gas. RAUNCHY gas. Every time he would pass it, he'd sniff and look around with a "Who did it?" expression. We couldn't help but laugh at him. He was also rather funny when getting off of the couch. Instead of jumping off like he normally does, he chose to slide off, front paws first, leaving his back ones to look helpless. You would have had to have been there.

Morgan recently bought a little Maltese in which she named Rigby. Bruce took one look at him, and Rigby growled and barked. FAIL. Keep in mind, Rigby is like 5 pounds and that's all he'll ever be. Bruce is 30 and growing. 

So Bruce is still making me laugh.

Recently, Sheri bought him a Batman ID tag, in which we have not been able to find. I think it fits him rather well. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Idol Tonight.

- First, YAY! Megan went home! I could not have chosen anyone else I wanted to leave more than Megan! Can anyone agree?
- Allison in the bottom 3??? I have to start voting more...
- Is David Cook's drummer his brother? They kept showing him on camera, and they somewhat resembled...
- Lady Gaga... ok, I think I'm going to check out her album. She was pretty cool tonight. She plays piano, I now know, which I think is awesome. She really does have a cool voice, with the exception of when she purposefully sings nasal- yuck. Her eye make-up intrigued me. Zipper on the eye... how she did that, I don't know. 
- I really enjoyed seeing the contestants do impressions of one another. Idol looks like LOTS of fun...

I think that covers the most of it. I'm really for next week!