Saturday, January 31, 2009

At Last.

At last, I have found time to try doing a cake of my own. Here are the results:

This was my first cake. I took a small circle, and after freezing it, I carved it into an oval. I used fondant icing to cover it in yellow, and carved out the bat symbol in black. This one, I gave to Madison because of how crazy he is about Batman.

The second one, I decided to go for a Coca-Cola bottle cap. The letters took a long time to carve out, but the edges were easy to shape.

The last one I had thought would look plaid... but after 3 hours of decorating, fatigue kicked in. I'm just going to say this one is abstract, cirque inspired, and weird. The N on the top is the family initial- Norman.

Friday, January 30, 2009

1/4 of 100 Randomocities.

1. I’m getting a baby duck for Easter.
2. I want a puppy…a lab… so if any of you feel your would be successful debaters with my parentals, please… humor me!
3. My bookshelf consists of 51 books, some stationary, and several cds.
4. I have a game collection that I’m slowly building up. Why? Because I love family game nights! So far, Scattergories is my favorite.
5. My closet is divided first by tops on the top, and bottoms on the bottom rack, then dressy in the back, band shirts (shirts bought at concerts), then just casual in the front, in those sections it’s then divided into sleeve lengths, and in those sections by color. My pants go from dressy to casual, then length, then color.
6. I think dreams are pretty cool, and I like to figure out what makes people dream crazy things. It just shows the minor influences in our lives that we don’t realize we really give thought to.
7. I can destroy a bag of cheddar rice cakes within an hour.
8. I leave next week for a cruise to Mexico, where I’m hoping to swim with dolphins… a childhood dream.
9. I really want to go see The Amazing Jonathan in Vegas!
10. I’m learning French, and hopefully one day will travel to Paris where I can put it to good use.
11. I love Audrey Hepburn art. I have 3 paintings of her hanging in my room.
12. I also love Amy Kutchn’s art!
13. In front of me, is a poster of Walt Disney and the Cinderella Castle ghostly sitting atop the breaking ground at Disney World. Underneath, it says “Vision. It’s kind of fun to do the impossible. –Walt Disney”. And I think it speaks VOLUMES.
14. I’m excited about the Super Bowl… but because they always showcase the best commercials! (I don’t even know who’s playing… and yes, I admit, that’s sad.)
15. I have every food network cake challenge on DVR. They can do such cool designs… with cake… and sugar. WHOO!
16. Drew Carrey is no Bob Barker. The Price is Right is on the tv in the next room. So now you know what I’m hearing at this moment.
17. I feel so much better when my room is clean!
18. In my car right now, is Celine Dion: My Love The Essential Collection (2 disc), Celine Dion Taking Chances, and John Mayer’s Room For Squares.
19. I love American Idol, but this year so far has been a little weird to me.
20. Martina McBride has her new album “Shine” coming out March 24th… It will be added to my car as well. =)
21. I love fruit… and Japanese… and broccoli… and just food… I’m a picky eater, but I’m a pig.
22. The lady at the Mexican restaurant knows my order, because over the course of what… 3 years? And a once a week (at least) visit, my order has NEVER changed.
23. I thought of number 22 because I’m craving food from the Mexican restaurant now. =)
24. I hope to have an iPhone with Lincolnton service in the next year. That would be great!
25. And the last random thing I have to think of….. I really miss playing Nintendo… Super Mario was the best.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just Thinkin'

The following questions I have not found answers for. So if you can help, I'd love it!

1. In order to say that Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world, one must assume that EVERY other mountain was also measured. But who in the heck measured every mountain, and how?

2. As I've read, Indians were not only from America, but the following countries also had their share: Canada, South Africa, and Australia. So then are they referred to as Native Candians, Native South Africans, and Native Australians as they are Native Americans? Or are they just referred to by their tribe name?

3. It is stated that just one night of the energy from the Aurora Borealis can power our country for an entire year. Why hasn't anyone tried to harness this energy and attempt to do so?

4. How do we know that what I see as blue is the same thing you see as blue? Maybe it’s my favorite color and not yours… so maybe what I call blue, in your eyes, is what I see as green? However, we were taught that certain things are blue, so regardless of what our personal perception is, we know whatever the heck we see—is blue…

5. Who appointed foul language as foul? Would the term “crap” not be the same as “sh*t” used in the same context??? Basically, does it come down to your intention behind it? If so, I’m not soo great of a person… I speak the language of “oh crap” quite often when I’m frustrated!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Beyond The Lids.

Here are some more vids,
But they're beyond your lids!
So open your eyes wide
And take a peak inside
the night that dreams came true!

(Perhaps the cheesiest thing I've written??? I'll let you be the judge.)

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Fairy Tale Night

I've always loved Celine. She's just so amazing to me. So about a year ago, I bought tickets to see her in Nashville. This was a L-O-N-G time in waiting! January 13th finally gets here! About a week before, I had started having exciting dreams... like the ones you have when you're... you know... excited! Celine was my best friend in my dreams... I met her and we hit it off... BUT finally, January 13th came and I was awake at 5 am singing "I Drove All Night" in my head. When I bought my seats, I was thinking that there would be a section or two on the floor, then we'd be about middle way up the lower section. When we got there, we began looking for our seats, only to realize, that they were right in front of a platform that Celine would be standing on! We were like 10 feet from her! So we wait patiently for her to come out.... and when she did... WOW. It had been built up so much, and this dream came true... and I cried! The show was absolutely flawless... and we knew it was real because we could hear her natural voice when she sang on the platform before us! Poor Madison... he had one woman on the other side of him that was drinking and sobbing... me on the other side, wanting to sob but just tearing up instead to save myself the embarrassment, and then questionable guys on all sides of me that loved her as much as I do! He just laughed! During her first song, "I Drove All Night", the guy to my left leaned over and said, "Boy! She sure is hott, isn't she!?" And of course, I agreed! If I can look like that at 40, I can say that I'll be pretty dern happy! Throughout the show, I could hear comments around me, and somewhere behind me, someone stated, "She's so gangster, she don't even know how gangster she really is!". I laughed... and agreed... and honestly, there were so many amazing things about that show, that to list them all, would be simply impossible. The guy that sang R. Kelly's part on "I'm Your Angel" was fabulous. Her band ROCKED. The one thing I feel so dang sick about is that I followed a FLIPPIN rule and did not take my camera.(The last time I followed a rule and stayed honest, I ended up with detention because of being 2 minutes late for school.)  Everyone else around me snapped shots ALL night! However, I have about 3 photos taken from phone that don't come near to what I could have had, but the experience is what counts, right? For the record, I'm still floating on clouds about this show... and I have to do it again someday.  Madison enjoyed the show as well, even though he wasn't really a fan. This really was a night that felt like a fairy tale. 
If you pause at 2:54, I'm on the left side of the screen in a white shirt and black vest. 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Amazing, eh?

Isn't it amazing:
-how much good a hot shower can do for your attitude...
-how dreams can affect your mood for the entire following day...
-how half a week of college can sometimes feel like an eternity...
-how you can watch Friends over and over... and still laugh your butt off...
-how you feel when driving along the shore of the ocean when you rarely get to see it...
-how a nice rain shower can be relaxing...
-how relieving it is to vent...
-how good your face feels after a nice wash, and how much better you sleep afterwards...
-how it feels to know that in just a couple of days, you're going to the ultimate concert... which you've had tickets for since July... (maybe that applies more to me =D )
-how exciting it is to buy new clothes...
-and last, for now, how good it feels to actually come up with something to blog about! 

If you're reading this, I hope you have a good day! =)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 a godsend.

I started college again today... what a cold day it was! 
Only I found out that the Barnes & Noble- Brenau online bookstore sent out the wrong editions of my sociology book.
So for week 1, this adds confusion.
Then i find that I could have gotten a brand new book, of the correct edition, for $80 cheaper on
I will never order from the online bookstore again.
Stupid expensive college books.